Person Centered
Each Participant at WVCP is their own individual with likes, dislikes, and opinions. We work with each Participant and their family to design a program that is specific to them.
Watkins VITAL Care Program is an Adult Day Program that seeks to ensure each day is filled with joy, purpose, and dignity. Watkins VITAL Care Program provides life skills training, community integration, behavioral intervention, and other critical skills needed for each Participant to access and participate in their community more independently.
Each Participant at WVCP is their own individual with likes, dislikes, and opinions. We work with each Participant and their family to design a program that is specific to them.
WVCP Is a 501c3 nonprofit program for young adults with disabilities. 100% of your donations go directly to our program!
WVCP is founded on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis. We use research-based interventions to teach vocational, leisure, and independent skills.
Watkins VITAL Care Program is a community-based Adult Day Program for young adults located in Southern California and vendored through Lanterman Regional Center. Our program is designed for young adults with disabilities. We have a ratio of one staff for every three Participants.
With a Person-Centered Approach, our highly trained and compassionate staff utilized Applied Behavior Analysis to teach and reinforce vocational, leisure, and independent skills as well as encourage positive social interactions. In general, the individual Participants in this program are non-verbal or have limited verbal abilities but may have various levels of communication skills, such as signing, limited vocal/verbal skills, use of picture communication, and/or augmentative communication devices programmed for basic communication needs. Watkins VITAL Care Program coordinates closely with parents, conservators, Regional Center Service Coordinators, and other service providers.
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Watkins VITAL Care Program is compliant with the Department of Developmental Services
Phone: 818.334.5592
Website Design & Development by Guido Media